[like_sc_header type=”h4″ subheader=”Modular or Integrated” header=”ATPL Frozen” style=”header-subheader” color=”black” subcolor=”main” align=”left” size=”default” transform=”default” sr=”default” href=”” icon=”fas fa-plane” image=”” icon_bg=”transparent” size_px=”” use_theme_fonts=”yes” google_fonts=”” id=”” class=”” css=””]
What you get? – CPL – Commercial pilot licence with – (IR) Instrument rating, (ME) Multi engine rating, “Frozen” ATPL – Airline transport pilot license (theoretical course). The privileges of the holder of a CPL are to:
  • Exercise all the privileges of the holder of a PPL Act as pilot-in-command or co-pilot of any aeroplane engaged in operations other than commercial air transportation;
  • Act as pilot-in-command in commercial air transportation of any single-pilot aeroplane;
  • Act as co-pilot in commercial air transportation.


  • Minimum age of 18 years;
  • Class 1 medical certificate;
  • Sufficient level of knowledge of Mathematics and Physics;
  • Acceptable English language skills.


01 Private Pilot License (PPL);
02 Hour Building;
03 ATPL(A) Theory Course;
04 Night Qualification (VFRN);
05 Single Engine Instrument Rating (SEP IR);
06 Multi Engine Piston Qualification (MEP);
07 Multi Engine Instrument Rating (MEP IR);
08 Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)

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  • Air Law;
  • Aircraft General Knowledge: Airframe / Systems / Power Plant;
  • Aircraft General Knowledge: Instrumentation;
  • Flight Performance and Planning: Mass and Balance;
  • Flight Performance and Planning: Performance;
  • Flight Performance and Planning: Flight planning and Monitoring;
  • Human Performance;
  • Meteorology;
  • General Navigation;
  • Radio Navigation;
  • Operational Procedures;
  • Principles of Flight;
  • VFR Communication;
  • IFR Communication.
[like_sc_empty_space height_xl=”32px” height_lg=”” height_md=”” height_sm=”” height_ms=”32px” height_xs=”” id=”” class=”” css=””]
[like_sc_empty_space height_xl=”64px” height_lg=”” height_md=”” height_sm=”” height_ms=”32px” height_xs=”” id=”” class=”” css=””][like_sc_button header=”Apply Now” href=”https://www.turkpilotakademisi.com/en/apply-form/” size=”default” align=”default” color=”main” color_hover=”default” inline=”default” id=”” class=”” css=””]